Almería's Coast


Fauna: It is worth mentioning the amount of birds like Audouin gulls (Larus audouinii) or birds of the genus Phoenicopterus, known as flamingos. Live in ponds features a number of vulnerable species such as the coot (Fulica atra), the Mallard and Blue (Anas platyrhynchos), the white-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala) and we correct common (Calidris alpina).

Flora: in this ecosystem we can found are sabinas suaves (Juniperus phoenicea) that give name to the place, Sabine, and losl entiscos (Pistacia lentiscus). In general all over the Natural Park we find cambroneras (Lycium intrincatum), common reed (Arundo donax), spiny rushes (Juncus acutus), or marine Bolaga bufalaga (Thymelaea hirsuta), jujube (Ziziphus lotus), sea lavender (Limonium vulgare), sea daisy (Asteriscus maritimus), sea rocket and sea roqueta (Cakile maritima), Pegamoscas or Melora (Ononis natrix) and reed (Phragmites australis). As a parasitic plant broomrape Wolf (Cynomorium coccineum). Also the seabed is rich in flora and fauna, including Posidonia oceanica most western Mediterranean.

Soil: The Natural Park Punta Entinas-Sabinar consists of a set of nearby dunes the Mediterranean coast, including ponds (also called "charcones") are placed, leading to different biotypes within an arid sub Mediterranean ecosystem.



Terrestrial fauna: The terrestrial fauna of the park consists of animals that have adapted to an arid land, scarce water and vegetation. It is the Southeast European fauna associated with dry Mediterranean ecosystems. The family of mammals is represented by small animals such as rabbits, hares, shrews, Moorish hedgehogs, voles, genet and badgers among others. Reptiles and amphibians are much more abundant, and it is not difficult to see hocicuda eyed lizard or snake. In Salinas you can observe many species of birds, especially flamingos.

In arid and rocky areas live prey such as the Bonelli's eagle and the eagle owl. The presence of insects is constant throughout the park, the most colorful species perhaps the praying mantis.

Marine Fauna: The seabed of the park are many, we can find rocky bottoms, sandy bottoms or funds covered by posidonia beds, varying in each marine species to find. On sandy bottoms are bivalves like clams and mussels, gastropods as cañailla, natica eggs and cephalopods such as cuttlefish.

Also urchins and other echinoderms famous as the star of sand; various kinds of crab and countless fish like mullet, the blacksmith, thrush, etc. crustaceans Found in rocky bottoms, shallow, vegetation cover full of algae, sponges, hard corals, anemones, coral false, annelids, mollusks, sea urchins and starfish, as the purple and colorful fish as the fish muco or Wren, the Verrugallo The Green Fish, the Mojarras and deeper, grouper, Morena and Rockfish. On the plains of Posidonia, initially seated sitting on bedrock at 20 m. deep, it is populated by numerous species of echinoderms and cephalopods (common octopus), the nacra (giant bivalve) and red stars.

Flora: Getting into the coastal steppe that separates the sea from the mountain, there is the formation of so-called thorny jujubes. Groves of palm (only native palm tree in Europe) took the shady and sunny spots favored points in the mountain reliefs. In the Rambla del Bujo, before reaching the lighthouse, you can see an example of this type species of the mountain. Dense clusters of Esparto, Rosemary, and Thyme Albaida fill gaps between the groves of palm and covered the plains, rellanas and gentle hills of the interior areas of the park. Notable local endemics, including Cape Dragoncillo (Antirrhinum charidemi) Cape Carnations (Dianthus charidemi), the Zamarrilla Cape (Teucrium charidemi) and Cape Saffron (Androcymbium europaeum).


Complex Sierra Cabrera-La Serrata Nijar: The beginnings of its formation dating back hundreds of millions of years, when sea bathing current slopes of the Sierra de los Filabres. Sediments deposited in their funds, under pressure from the clash between the Eurasian and African plates were leading to different nature metamorphic rocks (schist, quartzite, calcite ...).

Sierra del Cabo de Gata: The Sierra del Cabo de Gata is the second orogenic phase of the medium. It is the emerged part of a submarine volcanic mountain range that runs along the bottom of the Alboran Sea, reaching a maximum at the top of Cerro del Fraile at 492 meters above sea level. The progressive elevation of the ground revealed a kind of parallel to the original coastline, formed by numerous islands and islets that after the marine retreat, ended up forming the current saw archipelago.

Alternating layers of igneous rocks with carbonaceous sediments form the geological profile of this part of the Western Mediterranean, which can be studied in the walls of existing fossil reef peaks and plateaus. This fact, together with the varied volcanic forms caused by the heterogeneity of the conditions under which occurred on cooling lava, increase the value of natural geological park.

Nijar Almería and depressions: The intense wind activity that characterizes the area, conditions a landscape in which the moving dunes are abundant on the coast, settling on the basis that constitute fossil beaches, lagoons to close at various points along the coast, between which it is especially relevant because of its size, salt production and biodiversity: popularly known as Salinas de Cabo de Gata. The retreat of the sea marked the third and final stage of formation of the medium. The removal of the water revealed a layer of sediment from previous erosive phenomena and depressions in the Gulf of Almeria and Campo de Nijar were becoming mainland, which contributed deposits eroded material from the runoff in individual basins that sculpt the profile.



Geology: A fundamental part of this coastal strip is composed of intramontañosos corridors and deltaic formations that sit on heavily eroded and rich in fossil remains of marine Quaternary sedimentary origin. Among these places, they stand basins and Pulpí Sorbas, Lucainena runner-Turre and the basins of the Almanzora, Antas and Aguas rivers. In these sedimentary landscapes stand hills and small hills, locally called "hillocks", which are usually associated with biogeographic elements and / or historical relevance.

Flora: For phytosociologists, the climax vegetation would be composed of different bushes able to withstand a thermocline and own ombroclima of an arid region, such as mastic, black hawthorn, Kermes oak, the cornical, arto (Maytenus senegalensis) or palm . They also emphasize albaida (Anthyllis cytisoides) and fine albaida (Anthyllis terniflora), rosemary (Rosmarius officialis), savory (Satureja obovata) or yellow everlasting (Helichrysum stoechas) and the matagallo, the everlasting abode or espuelilla Cape (Linaria benitoi) endemic of Almeria, or local distribution as the evergreen Mojacar (Limonium estevei) on the Rambla de Macenas. Other species, common in these coastal habitats are marjoram or lavender (Lavandula stoechas)

Fauna: the preferred habitat for steppe birds, which nest the canastera (Collared Pratincole), the Woodlark (Lullula arborea) and other species described in Tabernas, Sorbas Sierra Alhamilla and without evidence of the presence is taken during the breeding season of the lark of Dupont. Other species associated with these habitats as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), the corn bunting (Miliaria calandra), highlighting cereal fields in the presence of the quail (Coturnix coturnix) and birds with some degree of anthropophily as are also present black starling (Sturnus unicolor), the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) or the common plane (Delichon urbica). There are several species of sandpiper (Calidris sp.), Curlews (Numenius sp.) And oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) and Turnstone (Arenaria interpres). During the winter can be gloomy gulls (Larus fuscus), while the black-headed (Larus ridibundus), the Audouin and the Caspian remain throughout the annual cycle, nesting latter in different parts of the coast.

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